How to Measure Standing Rigging |
How to Measure Standing Rigging
Standing rigging has been our specialty for over 40 years. One of the most frequently asked questions we hear is: How do I measure my sailboat standing rigging?
Please read the instructions completely before you start measuring your rig. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email us and we would be happy to help you.
Continuous vs Discontinuous Rigging
Continuous rigging is more common on older and more traditionally rigged boats, while newer boats and performance-oriented sailboats often have discontinuous rigging.
Continuous rigging is made up of single pieces of wire that run from the top of the rig to the deck allowing the tuning to be done at deck level. Continuous rigs require fewer terminal fittings which reduces costs and allows for easier inspection of terminals.
Discontinuous rigging is made up of shorter sections of wire that connect to each other at the spreader tips. Each mast section is fitted with wire or rod sized to accept the loads generated at that section of the spar. The fittings and wire gradually reduce in size going up the mast as the loads decrease. The benefits are less windage and less weight aloft. Tuning is required at each spreader level due to the wire terminating at each spreader tip.
Understanding Where to Measure
When measuring rigging, the convention is to measure from pin center to pin center or from bearing point to bearing point. See other options in diagram to the right.
Rigging Measurement Examples:
- If you are replacing your turnbuckles, make sure the existing turnbuckles are adjusted to their normal “set” position for sailing before taking your measurements. Take your measurements from pin center to pin center as seen in the diagram. When we fabricate a piece of rigging including a turnbuckle, we will make it to your specifications with the turnbuckle open 2/3rds to allow tuning of the rig.
- If your end terminal is a threaded stud measure to the end of the stud; include the length of the threaded portion, note whether it is left or right handed, and the thread size.
- Remove any pins from your terminal ends before taking measurements. The eye will serve as your pin center.
- If your rigging includes a shackle with a captive pin, the inside edge of the pin is the bearing point.
How to Measure Standing Rigging
- With the mast and rigging still standing and set to its normal sailing positions, tape or mark all the threads of the studs where they exit the turnbuckles. Make sure your turnbuckle is centered between the studs for accurate measurement. It is important to do this while the mast is still up and set for normal sailing as this will be the base line to produce your new rigging.
- Label all wire segments indicating their position. For example, port upper shroud (fig 3) or forestay (fig 1). See rigging diagram labeled Continuous Rigging.
- Unstep the mast and remove the rigging from the boat.
- At this point many of our customers choose to ship their rigging to our shop in Miami Florida where we will duplicate it exactly. This is our highest recommendation to make sure your rig fits properly. If you would like to measure your rigging yourself proceed to step 5.
- Find a flat surface large enough that you can fully stretch your rigging out for measurement.
- Lay out the wire and attach one end of your wire segment to a secure fixed point. You can use a large nail or screw on the dock.
- “Stretch” the wire straight and ensure there are no bends in the wire. You may need to apply pressure to “stretch” the wire straight, you may find it helpful to use a line or block and tackle.
If your rigging terminal contains a pin remove the pin and use this as your attachment point. This also serves as your pin center measuring point.
- Using a fiberglass or steel tape measure, measure the distance from pin-center to pin-center or bearing point to bearing point as applicable. It is important to use a tape measure under tension and that does not stretch.
- Record your measurements in our handy Standing Rigging Order Form or email your specifications to us at sales@sailingservices.com. We will review your specifications and send you a bid for your rigging project.
We highly recommend you hire a professional rigger if you are not familiar with this process. We do support educated do-it-yourself sailors if you are confident and understand the rigging process. Many of our do-it-yourself customers with continuous rigs order their rigging with a swaged terminal at the top of the mast and a Sta-Lok or Hi-Mod mechanical fitting for the bottom so they can fit the rigging on site.